Elizabeth J Cooper
Social Wellness and Health Promotion Specialist
My Background
International and Indigenous Wellness Research/Evaluation
Philosophy and Approach
I completed a PhD with the goal of being able to effectively hold space and advocate for social justice, health, and wellbeing. I am committed to working with communities on projects/programs/evaluations that lead to meaningful change.
Together we unpack problems and find solutions to things that community members and study participants decide are important. Ongoing themes include improving mental and physical well-being of children/youth and working with Indigenous communities to preserve cultural knowledge and address racism. I currently live and work on Treaty 4 territory and the homeland of the Métis Nation in Saskatchewan and work nationally with connections globally to improve the lives of those who often are left-behind when it comes to social and health programming and policies.
I am open to opportunities to collaborate and work together in a meaningful, positive way.

Elizabeth J Cooper
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